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Our service

Reduce complexity,
accelerate processes

Digital tax office

Welcome to the digital future of tax consultancy!

We offer our clients state-of-the-art tools in order to administer all tax matters comfortably from everywhere and save time.

We are happy to invite you now to risk stepping into the digital world and using the user-friendly tools. Our team is available to advise you and implement this service successfully for you.


Tools for paperless collaboration


Unternehmen online

Digital exchange of supporting documents and documents

The cloud application enables simple, digital exchange of supporting documents and data between the tax consultant and entrepreneur, supports prompt and safe payments with pre-filled payment transfer media, guarantees cash management in line with GoBD and enables tamper-proof storage of supporting documents, documents and analyses.

  • Digital collaboration
  • Maximum safety due to dual factor authentication
  • No cumbersome registration

Our service

Further support offers

In addition to our digital tools, we provide you with a selection of classical documents to download here. They include, for example, forms, guides, information brochures and further important documents which may be helpful to you for various tax matters.

For wage accounting

Useful documents which can be downloaded

Employee questionnaire for new employees

Employee questionnaire for employees with mini jobs or short-term employees

Employee questionnaire Information on preparing an immediate report

Employee questionnaire for apprentices

Employee questionnaire AAG absences

Employee questionnaire (termination)

Employee questionnaire (changes to the weekly working time / changes to the time limitation / end of the apprenticeship)

Application for exemption from the obligation to pay pension insurance (mini job)

Excel work folder for documentation of working time

Are you missing any documents?
Call us under +49 (0) 0391 – 56 85 70. We are happy to help you.

Secured for all eventualities

GSP emergency folder

Anticipatory company management takes extreme cases into account. In addition to reserves, the company management takes extreme cases into account. Therefore, we offer various modules and support concepts, including the GSP emergency folder in order to minimise damages to the company in serious cases. 

Help & support

You have questions?
We are happy to be available for you!

In case of
technical problems

initial consultancy

For all further
urgent questions

Your first contact person

The secretary’s office

Our secretary team, managed by Anita Böcker, is happy to help you to determine the correct contact person. The team guarantees a smooth course within GSP and promotes direct communication between clients, employees and consultants.

+49 (0) 391 – 56 85 70

© 2023-2024 GSP Steuerberatungs­gesellschaft Magdeburg GmbH --

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      Sofortige Beratungsanfrage

      Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse an unseren Dienstleistungen.
      Wir freuen uns darauf Ihnen zeitnah einen ersten Beratungstermin anbieten zu können.

      Ihre Kontaktdaten

      Bitte geben Sie Ihre bevorzugten Tage und Uhrzeiten für die Beratung an:

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      Datenschutzhinweis: Ihre persönlichen Informationen werden vertraulich behandelt und nicht an Dritte weitergegeben. Sie dienen ausschließlich zur Kontaktaufnahme im Rahmen Ihrer Anfrage.

        Schnell & unkompliziert

        Ihre Onlinebewerbung

        Sie wollen Teil der GSP Family werden?
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        Datenschutzhinweis: Ihre Bewerbung und persönlichen Informationen werden vertraulich behandelt und nicht an Dritte weitergegeben. Sie dienen ausschließlich der Bearbeitung Ihrer Bewerbung und zur Kontaktaufnahme durch unsere Mitarbeiter.

          Make an appointment now

          I would like to get to know GSP!

          Many thanks for your interest in our tax office.

          To get to know us, please arrange an appointment here.

          We will respond as soon as possible.

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          Appointment preferences
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          Data Privacy information: Your application and personal information will be treated confidentially and not passed on to third parties. They are used exclusively for processing your application and contact by our employees.

            Contact now

            Immediate consultancy inquiry

            Many thanks for your interest in our services.
            We look forward to being able to offer you a consultancy appointment at short notice.

            Your contact data

            Appointment preferences
            Please provide us your preferred days and times for consultancy:

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            Please describe briefly what you would like to discuss:

            How would you like to be advised?

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            Data Privacy information: Your application and personal information will be treated confidentially and not passed on to third parties. They are used exclusively for processing your application and contact by our employees.

              Fast and uncomplicated

              Your online application

              You would like to join the GSP family?
              If so, we look forward to your application and to meeting you personally soon!

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              Application as a/an als

              Additional information (optional)

              Your documents (maximum size of 3 MB)

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              Data Privacy information: Your application and personal information will be treated confidentially and not passed on to third parties. They are used exclusively for processing your application and contact by our employees.