The tax office

Thinking for oneself
Thinking ahead

Strong for the region

Renowned tax office in Magdeburg

With more than 33 years’ experience and an extensive network, we at GSP have developed to become an outstanding tax consultancy firm in Magdeburg, Germany. We are a trustworthy partner for you and provide comprehensive support to freelancers, physicians as well as companies in the fields of commerce, industry, handicrafts and services. We specifically focus on reliability, transparent digital processes and the high-quality personal support of our clients.

Our vision

Hand-in-hand for your entrepreneurial resilience

“We make intense efforts to continuously expand our services offer and consultancy know-how. The reason is that this enables our clients to tackle current and future challenges successfully. Here, our entrepreneurial train of thought and our antenna for economic developments is decisive when providing you effective advice for your activities as well as valuable recommendations for your business.”

Managing directors: Rudolf Gundermann, Jana Fischer, Karin Franek, Maik Tiedge und Julia Villinger

The GSP consultancy team

Responsible foresighted consultancy

Managing partner

Karin Franek

Dipl. Kauffrau [Business graduate] and tax consultant

Karin Franek, managing partner since 1997, specialises in creative tax consultancy, business consultancy and business succession. She supports and advises clients from various sectors in strategic corporate development with a great passion, sets high standards in strategic corporate development and plays a decisive role in our tax office’s success.

Managing partner

Rudolf Gundermann

Dipl. Betriebswirt (FH) [Business Studies graduate] and tax consultant

Rudolf Gundermann has been a managing partner of GSP Steuerberatungsgesellschaft Magdeburg GmbH since 1997. He already started working at the tax office in 1991, focussing clearly on business succession, business consultancy and creative tax consultancy. His strategic farsightedness shaped the tax office and enabled the implementation of the vision of cooperative partnership with the clients.

Managing partner

Jana Fischer

Diplom-Kauffrau [Business graduate] and tax consultant

Jana Fischer, managing partner is an expert for tax-optimised and legally sound shaping of cross-border issues. She advises domestic and foreign companies with passion and diligence. Moreover, she specialises in tax consultancy for non-profit associations, foundations and public companies and is available to you in the field of German fiscal law.

Managing partner

Julia Villinger

Tax consultant, Betriebswirtin [Business graduate] (BSc)

Mrs Villinger strengthens the GSP-Steuerberater Management since March 2022. Her expertise is the digitalisation and integration of DATEV interfaces and supporting online sellers. She specialises in turnover tax anomalies in the OSS process and the technical implementation of online platforms and payment methods such as PayPal and Amazon.

Managing partner

Maik Tiedge

Tax consultant

Mr Tiedge joined Management in March 2022 and is your contact partner for founding companies, growth strategies, company successions as well as process optimisation. He also accompanies company audits and guarantees the implementation of legal requirements within the scope of the standards for technical safety devices for cash [TSE-Kassennorm].

Michael Nachtweide

Tax consultant

Mr Nachtweide has been employed here as a tax consultant since November 2022 and works in the area of optimisation of interface solutions between the client and the tax office, creative tax consultancy and business succession. Moreover, Mr Nachtweide supports our Management in the areas of PR work and training qualified tax consultant assistants.

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Diverse expertise for companies and institutions

Thanks to our many years’ expertise, we are able to support companies and institutions of various sizes d in different sectors professionally. We have collaborated successfully with both small and large companies. This broad range enables us to respond specifically to each individual client’s needs.

Social commitment

Actions speak louder than words – our commitment

GSP supports sports

As a sponsor of SCM [SC Magdeburg], we support professional and up-and coming handball [players] and enjoy all participation in their games.

GSP supports the Wirtschaftsjunioren [Young Managers]

As a member of the Förderkreis der Wirtschaftsjunioren [Organisation for the sponsoring of Young Managers] since 2014, we fund the company network in and around Magdeburg, Germany, and use our strong network to connect our clients.

GSP supports GründerbarCamp in Magdeburg, Germany

We support dedicated up-and-coming entrepreneurs and have supported the GründerbarCamp in Magdeburg, Germany actively.

GSP supports the VHB Annual Meeting

In May 2018, we supported the 80th Annual Meeting of the Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V. (VHB) [Association of University Lecturers in Business Administration]. The general topic “Rationality of decisions in business research and practise“ is particularly compelling to us as a tax office and we were proud to support this event.

© 2023-2025 GSP Steuerberatungs­gesellschaft Magdeburg GmbH

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