Apprentices wanted

Your career as a tax hero at GSP

Join our team with an

apprenticeship as a qualified tax clerk (m/f/o)

Would you like to work in a vocational field which is always in demand and offers diverse development opportunities?
Would you like to learn a vocation where your contribution really counts?
Are you interested in a job which shapes companies’ futures?
Discover more about the diverse opportunities of an apprenticeship as a qualified tax clerk.

You learn all of this

Your tasks

You manage our clients’ financial accounting, post revenues and expenses and analyse bank statements.

Your main focus is on the independent preparation of wage and salary accounting whilst taking tax and social insurance regulations into account.

You work on tax returns for entrepreneurs and private individuals and are a competent contact person for our clients.

You play an important role in the digitalisation of our work processes by using modern software and tools to work more efficiently.

Your qualification

Your skill set

If you have a good secondary school qualification or even A-levels and are fascinated by finance and figures, can work precisely and self-responsibly and are able to communicate well with people, we would be happy to get to meet you!

Why an apprenticeship here is worthwhile

GSP’s top benefits for apprentices

High-quality apprenticeship

You are provided with a top notch apprenticeship at GSP, incorporating both practical experience at the tax office and sound theoretical lessons at the vocational school.

Experienced mentors

Our experienced tax consultants help you as mentors, provide you with instruction, support and let you gain from their wealth of knowledge.

Flexible working hours

It is important to us that you can bring your apprenticeship in line with further obligations. Therefore, we offer flexible working hours models.

Attractive remuneration

We offer appropriate remuneration in order to reward your commitment during the apprenticeship.

Opportunity for takeover

If you complete the apprenticeship successfully, we offer you good prospects for a long-term vocational perspective within our team.

Get to know us

What your colleagues say

Isabelle Hollerbach

“I love participating in the joint team-forming events. One reason for this is the fantastic solidarity at GSP.”


“The apprenticeship is fun. It is more exciting to work for a tax consultancy thank you think. I much appreciate that I was well instructed here and have to do with several people.”


“There’s a different delicious secret in each room and drawer.”

Questions and answers

Apprentices Q & A

How can you describe the apprenticeship as a qualified tax clerk?

The apprenticeship as a qualified tax clerk lasts three years and takes place both at the vocational school and the tax office. During the course of the apprenticeship, you become acquainted with all a qualified tax clerk’s tasks from financial accounting to the tax return.

What are the required prerequisites for the apprenticeship?

You normally need at least a good secondary school qualification or comparable qualification. Interest in figures, precision and team capability are also important.

Do further training options exist following the apprenticeship?

Depending on a successful apprenticeship, various further training opportunities are open to you such as further training as a tax expert or a tax consultant. This enables you to extend your vocational prospects further:

How do you describe the everyday work of a qualified tax clerk?

The everyday work can be diverse and includes the preparation of tax returns, accounting for the clients, communication with financial authorities and clients as well as support for tax consultancy.

What support does GSP offer during the apprenticeship?

We place great value on the training of our apprentices: You will be supported by experienced employees, participate in training and be given the opportunity to work on genuine projects. We support you actively en route to becoming a qualified tax clerk

ow can I apply for an apprenticeship at GSP?

You can apply using our Online application form. You can find all the required information and upload your application documents there

For interested parties & applicants

You’d like to get to know us
or have questions?

We are happy to be available for you!

Call us if you have
any questions!

Become acquainted with the tax office now

Apply online

© 2023-2025 GSP Steuerberatungs­gesellschaft Magdeburg GmbH

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            We look forward to being able to offer you a consultancy appointment at short notice.

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