Our portfolio

For sustainable company development

We offer

Passion for tax, finance and business administration

In addition to classical tax consultancy, we provide comprehensive corporate consultancy, from setting up businesses to financial planning with tailor-made solutions for the maintenance and expansion of your company values. Our interdisciplinary team’s know-how reaches from classical tax topics to development, financial and investment consultancy.

Unsere Leistungen

You see figures, we read the stories

Tax returns and annual accounts
Timely responsibility

We ensure punctual, comprehensive tax returns and annual accounts, taking both the past and future plans into account whilst adhering to the statutory standards and regulations. Our expert teams work anticipatorily, thus enabling the planning of possible potential for write-downs or investments carried forward.

  • Cash method of accounting
  • Balance sheet
  • Balance sheet report
  • Profit and loss calculation
  • Attachment/s
  • Publication and filing of annual accounts in the Commercial Register
  • Preparation of an E-balance sheet
  • Business tax returns
  • Trade tax returns
  • Turnover tax returns
  • Income tax returns
  • Corporation tax returns
  • Uniform and separate ascertainment
  • Checking notices of tax assessment
  • Processing correspondence with the inland revenue
  • Accompanying tax audits

Financial accounting 
Classical or digital

In addition to traditional accounting, we also offer modern solutions such as Unternehmen-Online© for digital accounting, including a cash ledger conformant with the Principles for Duly Maintaining, Keeping and Storing Books, Records and Documents in Electronic Form and for Data Access, as provided by the German tax authorities [GoBD]. The objective is to keep the processes on both sides efficient, thus saving expenses.

  • Account assignment according to an established chart of accounts
  • Reconciliation of nominal accounts 
  • Preliminary turnover tax return
  • Preparation of a business assessment [BWA]
  • If required, cost centre and/or cost carrier calculation
  • Support when establishing your financial accounting within your company
  • Consultation regarding software and interfaces (e.g. Unternehmen-Online)
  • Consultation regarding questions incurred relating to the organisation of financial accounting
  • Quarterly checking your financial accounting [Fibu Check] 
  • Coordination and solution approaches for errors incurred and any problems 
  • Contact partner for the clarification of any questions arising whilst you are processing them 
  • Access to your current financial accounting data
  • Tax audit accompaniment

Wage & salary accounting
Focus on legal requirements

Documentation and also returns obligations must be met within payroll accounting in order to avoid payment of arrears or additional expenses. Thus, we represent you as a contact partner for authorities and health insurance companies at all times, handle all relevant notifications and assume correspondence in case of queries.

  • Preparation of running wage & salary accounting
  • Creation of remittance slips for employees, health insurance companies, punctual income tax registration for the inland revenue
  • Punctual tax registration
  • Lists of contribution proof for the health insurance companies
  • Employee-related notifications for the social security benefits offices
  • Electronic data transfer
  • Creation of a payroll journal/accounting for the employees, annual payroll journal
  • Contact partner for the inland revenue, medical insurance companies, etc.
  • Wage administration work, submission of applications, applying for maternity benefits, proof of earnings, anticipatory accounting, etc.
  • Creation of the proof of contribution for the professional association
  • Accompaniment of social insurance tax audits

Tax consultancy & shaping
Maintenance of values and growth

Anticipatory strategic planning enables the focussed tackling of objectives. The punctual and reliable implementation of all tax obligations is indispensable for prudent consultancy. The potentials within these limits can be used and exert formative influence. Accompaniment during audits is also an important component, enabling you to concentrate fully on your business.

  • Tax burden comparisons and the ideal selection of the legal structure
  • Tax planning to reduce the tax burden
  • Consultancy regarding the tax effects of planned entrepreneurial measures
  • Tax consultancy when purchasing and selling companies
  • Tax consultancy within the context of business succession and devolution upon death
  • Development of tax concepts
  • Accompanying tax audits, social insurance tax audits and income tax audits
  • Representation vis-à-vis the financial authorities and finance courts

Corporate business consultancy 
A view to success and the future 

Closely linked to the tax topics, it is also important not to disregard business questions in order to exploit potential ideally to the full and create far-reaching structures. In addition to business plans and calculations for financing projects, we also support you when applying for grants which increase your liquidity and ability to act. We also advise you in questions relating to risk management, company evaluation, business succession and precautionary concepts for extreme cases.

  • Consultancy for setting up a business
  • Consultancy for subsidies
  • Consultancy for financing
  • Business plan / Liquidity planning / Performance planning
  • Business succession
  • Business evaluation
  • Organisation of accounting / Introduction of a controlling system
  • Risk management
  • Verification of records used
  • Process documentation
  • Consultancy for restructuring
  • General business consultancy


Unternehmen online

The product Unternehmen online from DATEV enables clients an efficient and contemporary collaboration with our tax office. Thanks to the central availability of documents, we can record relevant posting information free of media discontinuity. It offers our clients additional solutions for the commercial process as well as online assessments for efficient company steering.

Our network

Added value for our clients

Since our foundation in 1990, we have been active in and around Magdeburg, Germany. Our network links companies, politics and institutions, creates synergies and strengthens the region. We work independently with a broad knowledge edge, from which our clients profit.

© 2023-2024 GSP Steuerberatungs­gesellschaft Magdeburg GmbH --

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